Friday, April 23, 2010

5 Question Friday

Thank goodness it is finally Friday. I have been ready for today all week. Since it is Friday, it is time for 5 Question Friday sponsored by Five Crooked Halos.

1. What was the first car you owned? A red 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix SE (it was ugly and a hand me down from my sister)

2. What song are you embarrassed to know the lyrics to? I don't know of any. People probably think it is strange that I still know all the words to every Backstreet Boys, Nsync, old Brittany stuff, but that it was makes things fun when you get together with friends

3. Have you ever had stitches? Too many times to even count. I was a clumsy kid that loved to be outside playing with my older siblings

4. What was your first job? When I was 13, I began working at my grandparents diner the Ozark Cafe. I waited tables there til I was 18 and left for college. The greatest job to date. It was a wonderful experience and I miss that place

5. Who is your favorite Sesame Street character? Oscar the Grouch for sure :)
Don't forget to play along and link up!


  1. Happy Friday to you from Malaysia! Wow... judging by the fact you know all the words to every Backstreet Boys, Nsync, yada yada ... I think we're about the same age.. LOL... :D

    Come on over to my blog at

  2. "Everybody grove to the music, everybody jam" hahah I know them too! What a fun question this week! :) Have a great weekend!

  3. Great answers :-)
    And thank you - now I know what "stitches" are meant to be...

  4. Just came over from 5QF! Love your blog!! Oscar the grouch would have to be my second favorite..I totally get his grouchyness!

  5. I totally know all those boy band songs too but, I'm old school and know the New Kids on the Block songs! Ha!

    Stopping by from Mama M's! Happy Friday! Love your cute little blog!
