Friday, October 28, 2011

Ofiicially an attorney

So, as you may remember, the Missouri State Bar announcing swearing in ceremonies were to be held on September 26, 2011. Yup, just two days after the wedding. Chris and I made the decision to push the honeymoon back a week so that I could take part of the process at the Supreme Court. It isn't required, but it is neat and something that meant a lot to me.

So on day 2 of newlywed life, we get up at 4 am, leaving town at 5 with our mothers headed to Jefferson City. Since I was sworn in as "Gabel" instead of Upton, I got in the third ceremony. They only last about 20 minutes so it goes quickly. My boss even met us up there. It was neat to know how proud he is of me too. I doubt few, if any, had their boss present.

Getting sworn into Missouri Bar

Swearing into US Federal District Court - Western District of Missouri

Pictures taken by the school - first me with my Oath of Admissions then with Chris and our mothers

In our wonderful Howell County, there is also a tradition to be sworn in by the Circuit Judge and you sign the book of attorneys. The book dates back til the lat 1800s. I took this Oath on October 17th, my first law day. My entire office was present.

I was given cases to handle on my own on the day returning from being sworn into the bar so I guess I hit the road running. I am so excited about this part of my life. I have gained a few clients on my own and so far I love being an attorney!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, that is awesome!!! Congratulations!!!!! What an accomplishment!!
