Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What I am Loving Wednesday

It has been a few weeks since I have participated in this, but today I needed a study break. I feel so blessed most days so taking the opportunity to list them is always good.

I am loving that progress is coming along on the invites. Here is a sneak preview. Once I get them all together I will post on them.

 I am loving that in just 24 days I will be moving back to Pomona permanently. I love this house and our 28 acres.

I am loving that our master bedroom is painted, the new furniture came in and is now set up in the house. I totally blanked on getting a picture of it. I will do it when I move back :)

I am loving that I was able to spend the 4th of July weekend at home. I was productive around the house and on wedding projects. Sunday was great at all our family functions. Didn't get any pictures in Mountain Home, but here are a couple from the Shannon (Chris's family) family reunion.

I am loving having the extra free time since I quit my Columbia job last week. Now I have extra time for studies, packing and wedding stuff. But I do feel weird not going to work. And of course I miss these people.

I am loving that my maid of honor Miss Maggie was able to get off the whole week before the wedding so she can come visit and stay with me. I have felt lost since she left Missouri in May and waiting another 2 1/2 months for her visit sucks. However, I will count my blessings that she will be here.

I am loving that I was able to spend time with my precious puppies over the weekend. I am very much looking forward to moving home and getting to hang out with my kiddos every day.

And most importantly, I am loving my wonderful fiancĂ© Christopher. Just 80 days until we get hitched and it cannot come soon enough. 

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