Friday, November 5, 2010

A Bike for Sadie

This weekend has a special purpose. Depsite the fact that we will be attending a wedding, the most important part of my weekend is a benefit auction for my niece Sadie Upton. If you have read my blog for very long, you might recall that she was born with Spina Bifida. She will never be able to walk. She is one of the happiest children that I have ever met. She has never let her disease get her down. She still tries to do everything just like her siblings and other children. She never complains about not being able to walk. She is a blessing to the family and an inspiration to me every day.

But now she needs our help - she needs a bike.

Here is the thing that her mother wrote on donation cans:

My name is Stephanie Upton. My baby girl Sadie has Spina Bifida, so she has no control of her lower body. She is wanting a bike, and we are trying to get her one. The only thing is that she has to have a special bike where her hands can reach. The cheapest one is $1,700.00. Please help us raise money. She deserves the experience every other child has but takes forgranted.

I'm not asking you to donate to her. I am just asking for prayers and thoughts for Sadie. Take a minute out of your day to be thankful that you can walk, run, ride a bike, drive. Tasks in your daily life are impossible for Sadie and thousands of other people. Thank God for the blessings in your life and life your life to the fullest!!!

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